MOURN on the 4th of July!

An Invitation to Enroll
in a Year-Long Online Distance-Learning Program
100% Guaranteed
to Transform YOU into

    • an Extraordinary American
    • an Extraordinary Christian
    • an Extraordinary Human Being

You should invest 14 days
to investigate this program,
to weigh the risks and benefits. 

America's Founding Fathers risked their Lives, their Fortunes, and their sacred Honor They secured the blessings of Liberty to themselves and their posterity.
It was worth the risk.
This Programs has costs:
• your money
• your time
• your being a couch potato.
Not enrolling has greater costs:
America's Founding Fathers would say you do not deserve the name "American."
You are a victim of
Educational Malpractice.
This educational program is GUARANTEED to make you:

    • an Extraordinary American
    • an Extraordinary Christian
    • an Extraordinary Human Being


Sign up for a FREE 14-day overview
of the Educational Program that created
The Greatest Nation in the History of The World

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     Each day for the next 14 days, you'll think about why America's Founding Fathers risked so much to defend "LIBERTY UNDER GOD." You'll learn why you have been intellectually, morally, and spiritually defrauded. You'll learn about a program guaranteed to make you
    • an Extraordinary American
    • an Extraordinary Christian
    • an Extraordinary Human Being
     Nearly all of the information in this 14-day e-course is on this website, but you will make a better decision about your future if you think about it for 2 weeks, reading a little bit each day.
     You will be overwhelmed if you try all at once to learn why you are such a failure as an American, as a Christian, and as a human being.
     You will be overwhelmed if you try all in one sitting to compare America in 1776 with America in 2009, and discover how far we have fallen from our former greatness.
     You will make the greatest progress if you work through this information a little bit at a time, over the course of 14 days.
     If you sign up, you will immediately receive the first day's message, and you can being learning about what made America a great nation, and thinking about how you can help make great changes in your life and the life of our country.
     It's private, it's anonymous, it's free, and it's the first step in your becoming
    • an Extraordinary American
    • an Extraordinary Christian
    • an Extraordinary Human Being 

Sign up NOW!
Or, just keep reading.

Our Sponsor: Vine & Fig Tree

     Vine & Fig Tree is a non-profit charitable educational organization that takes its name from the original "American Dream."
     Today, most Americans think of "the American Dream" as "home ownership." By that phrase they mean "the bank really owns the home, and we pay more interest to the bank over 30 years than the total value of the house." Sounds more like a nightmare than a dream.
     America's Founding Fathers spoke often of that phrase, "Vine & Fig Tree," and knew what the Bible meant by that phrase.
     Now you can join the ranks of Great Americans like them.

On July 4th
Millions of Americans Celebrate
Independence Day

     Socrates said "The unexamined life is not worth living."
     He also should have said, "The unexamined holiday is not worth celebrating."
     Most Americans have never examined "Independence Day," and have no right to celebrate it.
     One unscientific poll suggests that as many as 20% of Americans believe that on "Independence Day" we celebrate the freeing of the slaves.
     Hopefully you know that on July 4th, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was signed, and the American Revolution began in earnest.
     Most Americans don't know what the Declaration of Independence really says.
     If they were told what it says, most Americans wouldn't agree with it.
     You may be one of them.

Here's what it says:

     If the government becomes a "tyranny" (we'll define that word in a minute), "we the People" have the right to abolish the government.
     Not just a "right," but a "duty" to abolish it.
     The Second Amendment of the Constitution was not intended to protect the right of individual hunters, sportsmen, or gun collectors to "keep and bear arms." It was intended to protect our right to overthrow the government. Arms are necessary not to warn off burglars and rapists, but as Thomas Jefferson wrote: "What country can preserve its liberties if its rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms."
     In 1776, this meant shooting the Red Coats. It meant killing the tax collectors.

Are you sure you want to celebrate
Independence Day?

     So when does a government become a "tyranny?" When do we have a "duty" to take up arms?
     Americans said the British government became a tyranny when it imposed a tax of three pence on every pound of tea.
     Our government imposes a tax ten times greater on every gallon of gas.
     America's Founding Fathers complained about taxes that took a total of 1% or 2% of the colonists' income. Maybe 3% in Virginia.
     Today's government takes more than 55% of everything you earn.
     Today's government violates virtually every one of the Bill of Rights.
     There can be no doubt that the men we honor on the 4th of July would declare our government to be a monstrous tyranny.

But We Don't Honor them by our Actions.

     Obviously Americans do not have a "spirit of resistance." They are not willing to take up arms against tyranny.
     This may be because Americans today love tyranny.
     Americans want a powerful government to steal from others and pass out "benefits," "subsidies," "bailouts," and "stimulus packages" to us.
     Americans believe the government brings salvation.
     Americans don't want a free press, but a government-managed press, because freedom means hearing things you disagree with.
     The average American doesn't want freedom of religion, because he  doesn't want to be told that he can't steal, or cheat on his wife.
     Americans don't want to hear that they're wrong, or that they're sinners. These facts are "offensive" to them.

Would Jesus Celebrate Independence Day?

     I say NO.

       Imagine a young man about 23 years old. As an agent of the British Empire, he wears a red coat. He believes that the colonies face a situation of "anarchy" and chaos. For generations, the British government has maintained law and order, and he has been told that this stability is threatened by lawless hordes who vandalize tax-paying merchants while dressed as Indians. Based on reports of a large cache of arms in Lexington and threats of armed revolution, he has been sent away from his family in Liverpool to help maintain order in the colonies.
       Oh dear. This nice young man has just had a large part of his face and shoulders blown away by the musket fire of an outraged tax-resister. This colonist (and others like him) apparently believed that this young soldier evinced "a design to reduce them under absolute despotism." As the officer lies dying in a pool of his own blood, the revolutionary "minute-man" rejoices in his victory over this red-coat's objective of the "establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states."
       patriot4.gif (6354 bytes)Is this a loving (1 Corinthians 13:5-7) or righteous (John 7:24; Exodus 23:2; Prov. 24:21) judgment of this young human being? Was this soldier a budding Adolph Hitler, or a "good Christian family man"?
       Was this revolutionary killing the beginning -- or the end -- of a Christian nation?
       The Bible repeatedly commands us to submit to government -- even tyrannical governments -- and pay all taxes demanded. Read more here:

Romans 12-13 / 1 Peter 2:13ff / Matthew 5:38ff

       When the Bible describes "the American Dream" of everyone dwelling safely under his own vine & fig tree, it says this comes about after we beat our "swords into plowshares" and trust in Divine Providence rather than human violence.

So call me a "pacifist" ...

... but I reject violence and even the American Revolution as unChristian.

So call me an "anarchist." 

       I agree with the men who signed the Declaration of Independence when they described their government as a "tyranny." Our government is an even greater tyranny. Confiscating trillions of dollars from Americans and redistributing it to special interests is a form of theft. It is immoral. It is tyrannical.
       But rather than getting out my musket and cannon, I believe I'll have more success abolishing the government if I use "the Sword of the Sprit" -- the Word of God.

  • Ephesians 6:17
    the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
  • Hebrews 4:12
    For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
  • Matthew 26:51-52
    And suddenly, one of those who were with Jesus stretched out his hand and drew his sword, struck the servant of the high priest, and cut off his ear.
    But Jesus said to him, “Put your sword in its place, for all who take the sword will perish by the sword.
  • 2 Corinthians 10:3-5
    For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh.  For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,

 Our job is not to assassinate tyrants. Our job is to demand that they repent. Persuasion -- not violence -- will lead to liberty.

Which America was greater:
that which existed on July 3, 1776,
or the America of July 4, 1999?

America covenanted with God to be a "light to the world." America has instead shown a light of secularism and violence over the globe. A substantial proportion of the 200 million government-inflicted deaths in this century were capitalized by American financial and technological interests, with the approval of America's politicians. America's exports of weapons are substantially greater than her exports of Bibles. America has been a missionary for the wrong side.  [Return to Text]

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Taney County, MO
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